Biomedical Engineering Department i Tehran

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Hafez Avenue, Tehran, Tehran, IR Iran
Kontakter telefon: +98 21 6454 2350
Latitude: 35.7040219, Longitude: 51.4106351
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Kommentar 5

  • Sadegh Saberi

    Sadegh Saberi


    از بهترین دانشکده‌های فنی و مهندسی ایران

  • Farid Geek

    Farid Geek


    رنگ فقط زرشکی دختر فقط پزشکی

  • sajad pakdel

    sajad pakdel



  • Nasser Fatouraee

    Nasser Fatouraee


    Department of Biomedical Engineering (Est. 1994) is the first independent Biomedical Engineering department founded in a major Iranian state university. Currently, this department has over 500 undergraduate and 400 graduate students, including more than 140 students at PhD level. Research and educational activities of the department are being guided and conducted by more than 40 faculty members, with a wide range of expertise including Medical Instrumentation, Bio-system Modeling, Bio MEMS, Bio-Nano Technology, Biological Fluid Mechanics, Medical Imaging, Cybernetics, etc. Capitalizing on the valuable human assets, we are honored to be known as the Center of Excellence of Biomedical Engineering in Iran. This department presently includes four official groups: Bioelectric, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, and Tissue Engineering. They all admit students in both graduate and undergraduate programs, except for tissue engineering, which only offers graduate level programs. There are also a few new disciplines such as Sports Engineering, Medical Informatics and Rehabilitation Engineering that are offered as sub-branches of aforementioned groups. In order to further respond to requests put forward by the healthcare industry in Iran, e-Learning programs in Medical Informatics Technology Management (in 2004) and Biomaterials Engineering (in 2007) were also established at the department. Among the notable achievements of the faculty members of this department are: being honored as “Iranian distinguished professors”, winning Khwarizmi and Razi Scientific Festival prizes, supervising outstanding dissertations, executing joint projects with various international academic centers, registering patents, writing and translation of books in Biomedical Engineering and publishing a remarkable number of ISI papers. Research and Educational Facilities: Department labs are categorized to Biomaterial Labs, Bioelectric Labs, Biomechanics Labs, and General service Labs. In general, there are 23 specialized labs actively operating in this department. Acquired Skills: Biomedical Engineering alumni specialize in general design, equipment operation, monitoring, management and maintenance of systems related to this field. They can perform the installation and operation of medical devices and hospital technical instruments. Further, they are well qualified for technical consultation for placing orders and purchasing such devices, assisting medical staff in optimal operation of the medical instruments and collaborating in technical projects. Field of Study Academic Programs Bachelors Masters PhD BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Bioelectrics * * * Biomaterials * * * Biomechanics * * * Tissue Engineering * * Sports Engineering * Medical Informatics *

  • Mahdi Nasrollahi

    Mahdi Nasrollahi



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