Iran Hostel i Tehran

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Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Kontakter telefon: +98 935 725 2441
Latitude: 35.6975664, Longitude: 51.3794618
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Kommentar 5

  • Jiří Kuntoš

    Jiří Kuntoš


    Small but cozy hostel near the centre of Tehran (cca 30 minutes by walk). Prices are very reasonable, I paid around 18€ per night for single bedroom. Yasin, its owner, speaks fluently English and was very helpful with everythings you need to arrange after arrival.

  • Florian Schie

    Florian Schie


    What a warm and cosy place. Lovely people, clean rooms and good location. However, most important was the hospitality provided by Yasin and Nick which makes you feel home immediately.

  • Karolína Vyskočilová

    Karolína Vyskočilová


    Super friendly staff (mostly Yasin) which helped us during our trip to Iran whenever we were. Clean and quite. Located in not touristy neighborhood which means you will enjoy totally different Teheran than other but you will spend 15 minutes more by traveling. We spend Ashuka and the holiday Inn this hotel and they made it unforgettable for us - that have taken us to the neighbours, explained a lot and showed us around and pointed to right places (everything free of charge). i haven't mentioned that if you arrive early in the morning (as internationals flights do) they will not count it as extra day! Just book for the upcoming day and you are ready to sleep :)

  • Sylwia F.

    Sylwia F.


    sort of mixed feelings about that place. not very comfortable beds, some rooms without windows, could be cleaner, no breakfest included, may look a little bit shabby, not that great location after all. for that price you could expect something really better; no wonder, you pay in advance for the whole stay and sign a form with big fat 'no refunds' on it. on the other hand the stuff is really helpful and kind, i came at 4 am, still could check in, take a shower and get a room. i also checked out at 10 pm and hanged around in the hostel until that time. i don't think 4/5 is fair review, but 3/5 isn't either.

  • Andreas Karlsson

    Andreas Karlsson


    The Hostel was a little hard to find. No sign over the entrence and street number in farsi. The Hostel staff are really service minded and kind.

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