Embassy of The Italian Republic i Tehran

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Nofel Loshato Street, Tehran, Tehran, IR Irán
Kontakter telefon: +98 21 6672 6955
Hjemmeside: www.ambteheran.esteri.it
Latitude: 35.6967758, Longitude: 51.4091636
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Kommentar 5

  • navid javady

    navid javady


    سلا م بر دوستان عزیز . امور مربوط به روادید در سفارت صورت نمیگیرد و باید به کنسولگری ایتالیا واقع در خیابان نلسون ماندلا بن بست فرزان شرقی مراجعه فرمایید.

  • Sara Karimi

    Sara Karimi


    Just I say never go to italy. From the first step for request a Visa until the end you have a problem and there is a lot of obstacl front you. It is clear that they sell their appointment and also you dont have a any way for complain against their decision. You should send your appeal to latzio cort via a lawyer in italy and it means that you do not have a right to protest. The lawyer want 1800 euro for doing that.

  • Federico Silvio Moretto

    Federico Silvio Moretto


    Locali con gli uffici di gestione dell'ambasciata. Le altre sedi sono a nord ma non sono operative come questa. Purtroppo spesso non rispondono al telefono ed è quindi necessario recarsi di persona. Il personale è molto cordiale.

  • Tohid Alizadeh

    Tohid Alizadeh


    Not organized at all, they make people wait in lines for many hours and do not behave them respectfully. One of the worst places to try to get visa. Recently I have heard that there is a business going on here, and it is about selling appointments for visa application! Indeed there is a kind of black market, where people pay hundreds of dollars only to have an appointment for their visa application. If you do not to pay that and take the regular approach, you may need to wait long (maybe couple of months). They claim that there is an online way for booking appointments, but based on what people say, it does not work. I think they need to revise the way that they deal with people, as their customers. At the end, they are getting paid to work and they are not doing a favor.

  • Nahid Shabankareh

    Nahid Shabankareh


    Head of visa office Tehran I am writing in regard to book an urgent appointment for family visa. I have been trying to make an online appointment ,unfortunately all my efforts have been unsuccessful. My daughter is studying for her masters degree in Architectural Engineering at the Milan Polytecnico University. please help me to make an appointment for applying for family visa. best regards. Nahid Sadat Shabankareh

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