Charsou Cineplex i Tehran

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Tehran, استان تهران، تهران، منطقه ۱۲، خيابان جمهوری، Iran
Kontakter telefon: +98 21 6672 4444
Latitude: 35.6947126, Longitude: 51.4122773
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Kommentar 5

  • Mina Esmaeelian

    Mina Esmaeelian


    The best cinema in Tehran. Its cinema and foodcourt is great.

  • behnam Pi

    behnam Pi


    Plenty of movie theatres, a food court and and balcony with a nice view over the town. If you're into electronical devices, it's a proper place to find your desired cellphone or headphone over there.

  • Farhad Alamshahi

    Farhad Alamshahi


    You can buy cellphones and their accessories in this center. It has a nice food court. You can use the balcony with its fantastic view for smoking. The cinema has a dazzling architecture and it's enjoyable to be there

  • محمد علي رجايي

    محمد علي رجايي


    It's a big mall mainly including shops for cellphones and byproducts and also has food court and 5 cinemas. It's a modern and classy building with interesting design in Tehran. It has an open porch with a fantastic view of the city.

  • Zahra Beyk

    Zahra Beyk


    Good foodcourt. Good shops. Great cinemas and much greater lobby. Good place to have a chat with ur friends before watching a good movie

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