Paeez 98 Coffee Shop i Tehran

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Shahr Ara Street, Tehran, Tehran, IR Iran
Kontakter telefon: +98 21 6651 1036
Latitude: 35.7162042, Longitude: 51.3713149
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Kommentar 5

  • hossein tavakoli

    hossein tavakoli



  • syed mousa

    syed mousa


    nice and calm coffee. they even allow you to smoke if you want

  • Sajad Perspolis

    Sajad Perspolis


    I love this place full of Iranian football picture

  • Muhammad Ismail Soboute

    Muhammad Ismail Soboute


    The look and the feel of the place is not displeasing, it is made to look like an old tavern. But the music that's played mostly comprises Iranian pop that's not always easy to the ears. I have ordered piña colada which turned out peña colada for the lot of ice in there; not too bad though to be fair. However, I was about to choose this place for my evening work (bringing here my laptop and working away, smoking, a cupper...). Bad idea! The seats (at least upstairs where I sat) seemed to have been specifically designed for discomfort. They don't serve beer without a lot of jambon and crisps and what not! So if you want a mug of (non-alchoholic) bavaria, you've got to order something next to a complete meal - the glorious Bavaria Service! Also, as everywhere else in Iran, don't expect rum in either your mojito or piña colada! But never mind me, I always see the half empty glass. ;) Try it. It is a cozy place. And the chairs chairs are more sitter-friendly downstairs. They allow smoking too! ;) Good for friendly gatherings. Oh and did I mention nice, friendly, professional staff? :)

  • Uriel Setareh

    Uriel Setareh


    Amazing place great Service lovely people.

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