Zaeem Flowers i Tehran

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Pasteur Sq., Tehran, Tehran, IR Iran
Kontakter telefon: +98 21 8280 2335
Latitude: 35.6910493, Longitude: 51.3930023
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Kommentar 5

  • Behnaz Mahdavi

    Behnaz Mahdavi


    Here is one of the great places to see. Maybe there is no need to by flowers. Just go there and walk among flowers and green plants and enjoy. The prices are expensive camparing other flower shops. The store has 3 part and you can buy vases , pots and other floral requirements there.

  • molly ameri

    molly ameri


    Thank you so much , my flower was sent on time and beautifully transferred. I definitely recommend to all overseas residents who want to surprise their family members in Iran. Very trustworthy.

  • Shoyaib Forhad Meem

    Shoyaib Forhad Meem


    Zaeem Flowers A Historical Overview We find it worth a jolly read by you having visited our website thus far now to get a brief idea of the life and times of Zaeem Flowers’ founding father, the late Seyed Hassan Zaeem (1920-1996).  Seyed Hassan Zaeem was born in a middle-class family in Kashan in 1920. Kashan is an ancient oasis and a hub of Persian civilisation situated on the periphery of the Great Persian Desert, and, for centuries, was a major thriving trade and transit route along the Silk Road. He was the fifth and last child of Agha Mir Abolghassem Zaeem (father) and Javaher Khanum (mother). Seyed Hassan’s four brothers were all merchants but in different guilds.  Seyed Hassan studied the primary sciences and Persian, and learned how to recite the holy Koran at a traditional school. By 1931, however, he had to give up schooling in Kashan, as his parents decided to migrate to Tehran owing to growing economic hardship back home. Once settled down in the capital, Seyed Hassan was sent to Towfighi and then Sharaf Highschools.  Since a fairly young age, Seyed Hassan found himself more taken to agricultural practice rather than the daily routines bazaar-based business. As a result, and against his family’s will, especially his brothers who were by then in good financial shape, he started a small amateur farm where he grew vegetables and a handful of cut-flower varieties.  In his modest plot, Seyed Hassan’s agricultural enthusiasm and experience only kept growing, so by 1940, when he graduated from highschool, he officially entered into a business of growing cut flowers as well as fruit and non-fruit tree saplings. To this end, he rented a plot of land in an urban neighbourhood at the former Khakbaz Crossroads (where Navab Highway stretches out in a southerly direction from a point in the centre of the city) and close to the former Akbar Abad Junction (Babaeian Street) and started his horticultural business, albeit at a primitive level.

  • Dani Basiri

    Dani Basiri


    I just had order to Iran with them. I'm so happy to Ichoose zaeem flower" professional customer service. THANK YOU .

  • Sally Ahmadi

    Sally Ahmadi


    Great customer service. I have been sending flowers 3x a year for a few years now. I never had any problem

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